Simply look for the
logo to enjoy free shipping on selected items throughout the store. If the items in your order which qualify for 'Free Shipping' total amount fee shown on our website: example over $130.00 or more, your order ships FREE. Please note offer minimum may change periodically without notice and offer will be as listed on our top banner, no exceptions. If your order isn't meeting the free shipping quote, the flat rate shipping we offer is just only $6.95 for orders above $50.
What is Flat Rate Shipping 5-10 Business Days?
Flat Rate Shipping 5-10 Business Days is the most economical way to get the order delivered to you. Typically, we utilize between Fedex, UPS and USPS to find the most economical way to ship the order (smartpost, surepost). Transit time varies depending on your location. We are shipping from Los Angeles, California. Transit time is between 5-10 Business Days from the date we ship the package. For exact delivery date, once your package has a tracking number, please track it in shipping carrier's website accordingly.
How long is processing time once an order is placed?
Majority of the orders are usually processed and shipped out within 1-3 business days excluding non-operational weekends. However we may need up to 3-4 business days depending upon season due to heavy order volumes. If you need an order guaranteed to ship within 1 business day you will need to choose an express service.We will do our best to provide the quickest processing time possible.
How long does it take to receive an order if I choose 3rd Day, 2nd Day or Overnight Shipping Option?
For express orders such as 3rd day, 2nd day and Next Day it generally 24 hours for processing and handling which delivery would exclude the order date. For instance, if you place the order on Monday with 3rd Day prior to 12 am(PST), it will arrive on Thursday. Saturday & Sunday are non operational days for FedEx.
Please note: Express orders must be placed before 11 am Pacific Standard Time to be shipped the same day. Express orders placed after cut off time will be shipped on the next available business date. Delivery time excludes the date of order, so time would start the day after it's been shipped.
FedEX does not deliver any packages on Saturday or Sunday. Available Delivery date will be Monday to Friday Only.
Everyday Low Price:
Our business model is to provide the lowest price possible for all of our customers, 24/7. No hidden cost, no extra charge. Easy and Simple. All the prices you see are absolutely the best prices with our highest guaranteed of quality on all of our products.
Can I change the shipping address, or upgrade the shipping method once the order is shipped?
No, once the order is shipped, there is no way for us to change it.
Do you offer 2nd Shipment on back-order & Pre-order items?
If you place an order containing Pre-Order products, the entire order will be held and shipped entirely until the indicated date. There are no 2nd shipments available. Therefore if you require products immediately please plan accordingly such as place a separate order.